Since bicycles work pretty flawlessly as it is, you might wonder just why we need crazy modifications like spokeless wheels and the ability to ride sideways.

  Innovation never ceases, and as a result we’ve been treated to a wild assortment of ideas from giant amphibious contraptions to bikes that fold up into backpacks. Some of these 15 concept bikes address issues like cost, portability and adaptability and others are just plain strange.

You’d definitely give this thing a second look if you saw it gliding down the street past you… and straight into a lake. The Di-Cycle concept bicycle is amphibious and was designed specifically for the Dutch city of Helmond to allow residents a smooth transition between land and water travel. Holland would have to construct entire parking garages for these gargantuan things if they were to actually catch on.

Riding a bike facing forward is boring. Or at least, so says Michael Killian, the software engineer who decided that what the world needs is a sideways bicycle that uses the same body movements as a snowboard. It has a unicycle seat and little handlebars on either side. It’s not for everyone – Killian says only 6 out of 10 people are able to master it.

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